Practice in an exclusive space for Japanese martial arts.

Balance, technique, discipline.

We all have a spirit that can be refined, a body that can be trained in a certain way, a convenient path to follow. You are here for the sole purpose of realizing your inner divinity and manifesting your innate enlightenment. Nurture peace in your own life and then apply the art to everything you encounter.

Morihei Huesiba (The Art of Peace).

Our services.

About us

Get to know our technical staff. You can ask us any questions you may have.


Discover the full range of our Dojo's schedule, whether you are a beginner or an experienced aikidoka.


What other activities do we develop during the week? Now you can find out more.

A complete training program, six days a week.

All activities at the Nishinkan Dojo are performed according to traditional Japanese Budo training methods. Our commitment to Aikido, positions us as a reference of the practice in Valencia.

Practice Aikido in Valencia


To keep abreast of what is happening in the Dojo.